Friday, July 20, 2012

July 3rd

While we had the car we had a few trips out to the wine tasting musuem and the the bull ring, this was the start of many of the journeys which were to come.
They were all stunning sites and something that we will always remember.
Jo then had to sort the placements out and potential new living arrangements as the placements at Matallana had fell through. Jo met up with Valentin, Rebeca and other workers in Valladolid and decided that Gemma and Carah were to work at Castilla Canal in Riosecco. There they would be working helping Gonzalo (who you are to hear about later) putting canoes away, helping in the flour factory and also helping on The Antonio de Ulloa tourist boat. Sam was going to be working doing general gardeninig duties that would need to be ccarried out in Matallana farm and me (Sophie) would be helping Rebeca out with general day to day activites. After we had thought about it we decided it would be best to move to live in Riosecco instead of all being based at Matallana as Carah and Gemma would have no way of getting to work. Virginia the manager of Medina de Riosecco recommended a hostel which was situated on the Castilla Canal. We was all up for it so that day packed all off our stuff back in our suitcase and moved into the hostel. Virginia explained that nobody would be in the hostel until the 3rd week in so that we would have the hostel to ourselves.
The hostel was very clean and new built and had lots of beds, it made the five of us look lost in the huge place to ourselves.
We decided to go out for soemthing to eat for tea as we were all starving and went to the first place we could find, it was wuite expensive and none of us new what anything was at first, we got there in the end with a little help from the dictionary's and each ordered something to eat, i had something that i wouldnt normally have.. seebass, Gemma thought she was one ahead when she thought she orderd chips but when they came it turns out they were crisp!

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