Saturday, August 18, 2012

15th August

Today is the day we have been looking forward too the Bullfight. We originally had the day off work so we could go to the festival, but we got called in at the last minute.

We got ourselves ready and walked to the bus stop to meet our work friend Abilio who takes us to the castle every morning. We was quite surprised when we left the house because believe it or not it was raining and very windy, we was quite worried that the festival would be called off.

Once we arrived at work we got stuck straight in and translated a few documents. It was really hard to concentrate as we were both very excited for tonight.

We had to wait for Valentine before we could go down the village as the bulls are let outside the ring and we needed some local knowledge. After waiting for what felt like forever Valentine finially arrived and without any messing around we both jumped into his car and set off.

When we arrived at the village we could hear the crowd but couldn't see a thing, as we followed Valentine through the small winding streets we arrived at the main strip leading to the Bullring.

The atmosphere was amazing, everybody was having such a good time, as I looked around there was people from all different generations babies to grandparents. I could definitely tell this was a huge festival for the local people. Everywhere you looked there was people jumping around, singing and dancing. We managed to squeeze our way into one of the bars so we could get a drink. Valentin and Lee both had a large beer while I settled for a martini (which I don't drink) as there was nothing I liked on offer. We then headed for the bullring ready for the upcoming event. Valentin disappeared and returned with half a sunflower head, he insisted we tried the seeds and showed us what we needed to do, I didn't think they tasted like anything to be honest but we carried on eating them any way.

All of a sudden the band appeared into the bullring to kick of the event, everyone went wild.

Then the bullfighters appeared and walked around the ring before the bulls made an appearance.

Although I couldn't watch the bull fighting because I didn't really like it, we all had a really good day :)

Below are pictures of the full day... Enjoy.

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